Route and Jeppesen charts ULLI (PULKOVO) - UHMM (SOKOL) for WoaPlanner #2894


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# Waypoint Distance Airway
1RELNI42 nm-
2GOGIM36 nmT693
3DISUP15 nmT693
4ROGID25 nmT821
5BOBMU17 nmT821
6INDIL40 nmT821
7SOPID40 nmT821
8ADOTA38 nmT821
9DELUL26 nmT821
10INLID19 nmT821
11MAKOG62 nmT821
12UROGI27 nmT821
13ARGIP26 nmT821
14PETIR26 nmM58
15PIBER5 nmM58
16UNARI21 nmM58
17KOMOV13 nmM58
18AMLEN16 nmM58
19ARPIK31 nmM58
20KUPUK32 nmM58
21RIGNI68 nmM58
22IKFON16 nmL168
23SORIL65 nmL168
24BAMKA27 nmL168
25NRM26 nmL168
26ORTIB27 nmM131
27GOSUR26 nmM131
28PESUS54 nmM131
29OKRID20 nmM131
30DINUL30 nmM131
31NAMIP37 nmM131
32ULKAM26 nmM131
33GISAP15 nmM131
34LABAR94 nmM131
35MORUT201 nmT411
36NEBOL250 nmT411
37OLEGA415 nmT411
38SALAK37 nmA812
39IDKES70 nmA812
40IDMUN38 nmA812
41GIMOS20 nmA812
42USORU45 nmA812
43OKMUT26 nmA812
44TEMGA70 nmA812
45PANAR65 nmA812
46NAREL115 nmA812
47OKSEL14 nmA812
48NEBAT28 nmA812
49EDIRO43 nmA812
50KORIP42 nmA812
51GUDOR52 nmA812
52NOKLA75 nmA812
53BAGOP25 nmA812
54NERPA37 nmA812
55RONOS23 nmA812
56NEDOT14 nmA812
57LUNIL58 nmA812
58NESLI22 nmA812
59RIMOM28 nmA812
60NALOD86 nmA812
61BAGTI27 nmA812
62LANAR52 nmA812

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