Route and Jeppesen charts ULLI (PULKOVO) - URWA (ASTRAKHAN) for WoaPlanner #1738


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1SUGIN58 nm-
2VUZPU51 nmT873
3NIRGI59 nmT873
4PINOK32 nmT873
5LALUD67 nmT873
6TOKNU25 nmT873
7IRDEK28 nmL4
8ELMOD10 nmL4
9BULAT23 nmL4
10UPERI17 nmL4
11PIKID40 nmL4
12LODKU13 nmL4
13LINRU9 nmL4
14OSPER59 nmT614
15NIBOK64 nmT828
16DISKI29 nmT828
17TEDMO10 nmT828
18PETUK8 nmT828
19OTVUT10 nmT828
20RITUN6 nmT828
21OLBEG10 nmT828
22RUTUB21 nmN72
23GEDNI35 nmN72
24AMUTI27 nmN72
25ST87 nmN72
26WGD38 nmN72
27IDORI15 nmA927
28SL28 nmA927
29NOKLI23 nmA964
30DUBOS53 nmN72
31LIDUS25 nmW87
32OMIRA39 nmW87

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