Route and Jeppesen charts URMM (MINERALNYYE VODY) - HEGN (HURGHADA INTL) for WoaPlanner #111054


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1ABELA20 nm-
2ERSAR48 nmB967
3GUBOR36 nmG487
4BINOL28 nmG487
5PROZR19 nmG487
6TABAN29 nmN166
7OGMOS27 nmN166
8TUDEK27 nmN166
9FALAZ20 nmUR114
10ATVAM12 nmUR114
11NIVAX9 nmUR114
12TBN30 nmUR114
13PIXAP29 nmUW88
14SONAD5 nmUW88
15BALON19 nmUW88
16ORHAN8 nmUW88
17ERN14 nmUW88
18KONUK12 nmUW88
19ETESU23 nmUW88
20ERTEK11 nmUW88
21EZS15 nmUW88
22ERGAN14 nmUW701
23OKUDU0 nmUW701
24ASKER17 nmUW701
25RASVA59 nmUW701
26FIRAT27 nmUW701
27GAZ14 nmUW701
28KIVZE15 nmUB36
29TUSYR3 nmB36
30GOLF15 nmB544
31ALE14 nmB544
32KILO11 nmQ538
33KTN106 nmQ538
34BASEM43 nmR785
35ABBAS8 nmR785
36ZELAF32 nmR785
37ORNAL11 nmUM690
38KODER18 nmUM690
39DESLI54 nmUM690
40ELOXI18 nmUM690
41KULDI19 nmUM690
42MUNRA35 nmUM690
43LONOL50 nmUM690
44SESMO38 nmUM690
45ULINA15 nmM319
46NWB27 nmM690
47DELNA31 nmR650
48SHM31 nmR650
49IMLUX34 nmR650

Latest routes


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