Route and Jeppesen charts URSS (SOCHI) - UIII (IRKUTSK) for WoaPlanner #3759


This page displays the actual routes used earlier by WoaPlanner users. To create a new route, you need to go to the planner page or install our WoaPlanner application.


# Waypoint Distance Airway
1BINOL16 nm-
2GUBOR28 nmG487
3ERSAR36 nmG487
4LARIN72 nmG487
5UGBES23 nmG487
6ROKMO84 nmG487
7BODNA65 nmG487
8ZG81 nmG487
9OBATA26 nmG487
10DIMPA36 nmL988
11TUGLA37 nmL988
12ATR43 nmL988
13GISTO43 nmL988
14KODUM86 nmL988
15PETEM31 nmN996
16ETELA11 nmN996
17RILBA129 nmN996
18MANAD78 nmN996
19LANUK72 nmN996
20DILIR12 nmN996
21TIBDA24 nmN996
22BULOG102 nmN996
23ARK40 nmN996
24TUSEP44 nmN996
25OSROL74 nmN996
26AST54 nmW358
27BOLSU58 nmL988
28ABELI88 nmL988
29EKTUS62 nmL988
30ABRAS11 nmL988
31PIVAL24 nmL988
32LAGMO52 nmL988
33KUDEB229 nmB715
34KETAK46 nmA817
35LOBIR91 nmA817
36SULIG45 nmA817
37NEBON19 nmA817
38ABK27 nmA817
39ADIRA11 nmW284
40GEPRA14 nmW284
41DIMOP14 nmW284
42NILRA30 nmW284
43BULEV12 nmW284
44KURES133 nmW241
45KOMOD119 nmW241
46BD104 nmW241

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